How to apply the learning types in our classes using technology.
The first thing to do on our check list is aim a goal.
Let´s assume our goal will be for the students to write a day in the life of a successful person. What do we have to teach them? How can we make it memorable?
Our first step (following the learning types (find it on our blog)) is remembering .
We have to construct based on the students previous knowledge. Ask questions like "What is success?" "Who is successful?"
In this step you can use apps such as AnswerGarden *
Second step is understanding . Depending on the students age, you can give them exercises to fill in the blanks. "All successful people (have) (haven´t) (are) (aren´t) ____________."
In this step you can use the app Hot Potatoes *
Applying is our third step. We have worked a lot during our last classes so it´s time for an assigment. Advice someone who is not successful. Teach "should". This work can be given as a writing or as a project which may include videos. You can use EdModo * for writing or Padlet * for videos and writings.
After applying comes analyzing. It is recommended to deconstruct our topic. Divide it for a better undestanding. We can make our students compare two successful people. A good tool is Blabberize * With this app, pupils can compare one with the other and give them life!
Our following step is evaluate! We can make our students give oral presentations. Google slides * is a great app for this as it allows to accompany the presentation with slides.
Finally! creating. This is the step where our main goal will be performed. Students can tell the day of their successful person with a short book. They can use SchoolTube * to share it as a video with the class. Or Skitch* to tell it with images or memes.
* All links lead to the home page or downloading syte.
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